We have a dedicated section with all of the opening hours for all of our stores. Please visit our Find a Store page to learn more
Please visit our Find a Store page, type in your area, and it will bring up the nearest stores to you.
We accept below payment methods in our stores: Cash, Credit/Debit cards, Store Coupons, Cheques, Cash Back Ticket's, Najm Vouchers, Gift Cards, ADCB Vouchers, Loyalty Discounts, Extended Warranty vouchers, Beam and Exchange vouchers.
Please consult our customer service desk or reach our customer service on 8007323
Please consult our customer service desk or reach our customer service
You can return an item upon approval within 7 days of purchase. Please don’t forget bringing your invoice to store with you.
Please visit your nearest store customer service desk for personalized service. We will assist you